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1、 學(xué)校代碼: 10663 學(xué) 號(hào): 4201440000019 貴 州 師 范 大 學(xué) 教 育 碩 士 專 業(yè) 學(xué) 位 論 文 淺論蔡元培教育思想對(duì)中職語文教育的 指導(dǎo)意義 On the Guiding Significance of Cai Yuanpei's Theory on the Secondary Vocational Education 專 業(yè) 方 向:學(xué)科教育(語文) 專 業(yè) 代 碼: 0451

2、03 申 請(qǐng) 人 姓 名: 張冬 導(dǎo)師姓名(職稱):何林(副教授) 二零一六 年九月二十 日 Abstract In recent years, Chinese language education in secondary vocational schools is in an embarrassing position of gradually marginalized. It always emphasizes

3、 practical function, which makes the Chinese curriculum into a dull useless subject in students' eyes. Aimed at the status quo, the author uses literature study and inductive deductive method to study Cai Yuanpei’s e

4、ducation thought. Cai Yuanpei’s education thought is very rich. He thinks that Chinese education should achieve social communication, civilized intelligence, edified sentiment, and cultivated purpose of complete persona

5、lity. Chinese teaching content should focus the combination between Mingxue and literature, and against blind worship, and pays attention to listening, speaking, reading and writing of modern Chinese education. The metho

6、ds of Chinese teaching should employ reading, intuitive teaching method, interest teaching method, the method of teaching students in accordance of their aptitude, which exerts students' autonomy. He deman


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