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1、河南大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文組織印象管理及其相關(guān)研究初探姓名:劉秀華申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):應(yīng)用心理學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:丁桂鳳2011-06IIIABSTRACT The main purposes of the study are to discover the meaning and structure of the impression management in organization, current level of impression

2、 management, and relationship with employee trust, and also psychological contracts. Through data analysis and survey of impression management review, the researchers has analyzed the content and dimensions of impressio

3、n management, the researcher has compiled Questionnaire of organization impression management,600 questionnaires were handed out, among which 552 are valid, considering the demographic factors, and used the statistical m

4、ethod of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and stepwise regression analysis and other statistical analysis techniques, the main conclusions are as the following: First, in Chinese enterprises, th

5、e organization impression management is a two-dimensional structures, and the reliability and validity of psychometric capital content questionnaire are highly enough. Second, the research explored the relation of organ

6、izational impression management, employee trust and psychological contract, the results showed that there was significant positive correlation organizational between impression management and employee trust, there was si

7、gnificant positive correlation organizational between impression management and psychological contract, there was significant positive correlation between employee trust and psychological contract. Employee trust played

8、a fully mediated effect in impression management and the psychological. Third, the research discussed the different demographic, histological analysis showed that in addition to sex, age of employees, education, work ex

9、perience, organizational character, organizational impression management in the organization all had some significant effects on organizational impression management . Finally, the research discussed the current limitat


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