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1、湘潭大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文胡塞爾現(xiàn)象學(xué)方法研究姓名:徐縣中申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國哲學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:高捍東20080512IIAbstract Edmund Husserl in the early 20th century launched a unique and massive philosophy movement - the phenomenological sport. It is through this campaign, t

2、he phenomenology become one of the most important philosophical schools. But as the symbolic contents of the phenomenology are its unique phenomenological methods. In fact, the phenomenological methods which pave the way

3、 for the research of Husserl's Phenomenology are thoroughly the phenomenology itself. That is to say, the phenomenological methods and phenomenology is a integration. It is impossible to grasp the phenomenological me

4、thods without understanding phenomenology, and similarly, it is impossible to understand the phenomenology without grasping the phenomenological methods. However, the discussion of the methods of Husserl’s phenomenology

5、is not systematic but it was really contained in his phenomenology. And the fragmental discussion of his phenomenological methods is not easy to understand. The more difficult issue is that Husserl’s understanding and gr

6、asping to phenomenological methods is always changing, so this brings us more difficulties to grasp it. However, in order to correctly understand the phenomenology, master of the phenomenon is an unavoidable issue. In th

7、is study, in order to correctly understand Husserl's phenomenological methods in the process of history and highlight its significance, I believe we must search for the sources of theory from Descartes and Kant’s phi

8、losophy of rationalism which have been a major inspiration to Husserl's phenomenology. And, we believe that Husserl's phenomenology is a complete methodological system. Specifically, we believe there are three ma

9、in kinds of Husserl's phenomenological methods. First, the phenomenological reduction, it constructs the logical starting point of the phenomenology, Husserl think this is the most characteristic phenomenological met

10、hod and reflects “the principle of no premise”. Second, the intuition of phenomenology, it is the first principle and the core method of phenomenology. Third, the method of phenomenological description is inherent requir

11、ements of “In the face of facts itself“ of phenomenology. At the same time in each presentation and study of the methods, we also pay attention to show the development process of Husserl's phenomenological methods fr

12、om a historical dimension. Generally speaking, we think that Husserl's phenomenological reduction provides a unique object for the study of the phenomenology and the essential intuition is a method of perceiving the


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