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1、華中科技大學碩士學位論文論李昂的女性寫作姓名:邱伶艷申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):中國現(xiàn)當代文學指導教師:王慶20090521華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 IIAbstract Li ang is a representative of female literature in Taiwan. Female creed is essential in her spirit.

2、 This thesis wills analyses the characteristics of writing from the text of the novel of Li ang. This paper will be divided into three parts to the analysis of the women described by Li. Theses three parts are the women

3、in traditional cultural environment, the women in Taiwan modern society and the women in politics. The traditional culture has confined the women, and women are faced with the dual plight of the family and social. During

4、 the period, Li ang’s creative has the theme of madness, sex and the death. In modern Taiwan society, the industrialization of Tai wan to change gender relations .The traditional cultural didn’t disappear and the traditi

5、onal thinking still impact eh people’s behavior and gender relations in the family. The women must face much more difficulty between the traditional and the modern industries. They couldn’t escape the fate of to be mater

6、ialized. in addition, Li ang also described the women in the political and the difficulties they must face to. Political right has always been men and the women in politics are subject to discrimination. This thesis will

7、 use the method of feminist criticism to discuss the women suffered in politics and unfair treatment against women. Li ang’s described show a variety of women’s mental picture. She challenge the “Patriarchal” and at the

8、same time she describe the female on a very narcissistic attitude and explore the secrets of female sexuality. Compared to the contemporary mainland female writer such as Lin Bai, Chen Ran, Wei Hui, Mianmian, Li ang’s wo


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