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1、河北師范大學碩士學位論文論現代文學語言簡化現象——以何其芳的文學創(chuàng)作為例姓名:魏文佳申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):中國現當代文學指導教師:馬云20100515IVAbstract In modern chinese literature process, nearly more than half century from modern chinese literature beginning to “Culture Revolution”,

2、 literature language experienced exchange from complex,personality to inflexibility,modelization. Language expression is weakening, which is an indisputable fact and need deep pondering on its phenomenon. Variance phenom

3、enon language from “complex” to “simple” in modern literature history, which embodied in the majority of modern chinese literatures. He qifang, his modern chinese literature language change from aesthetic, refined langua

4、ge in 1920s, twenty century to categorically different, plain language during Yan’an period, he is writer obtaining very typical characteristic in the process of modern chinese literature transition and his definite inve

5、stigation value. From microscopic view, This article adopt way of data comparison and analyze different characteristic of every literature language in literature works of different periods to prove modern chinese literat

6、ure language variance is constantly simplified at levels (words, sentences, rhetoric), and attempt to make objective discussion about advantage and disadvantage of modern chinese literature transition. Key words: modern


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