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1、河北師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文閱讀中情緒模擬對(duì)動(dòng)作理解的影響姓名:馬水平申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):發(fā)展與教育心理學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:魯忠義20100603IVAbstract In recent years, the relationship between the emotions and the cognitive science has gradually become the hot spot in the cognitive science.

2、 Many psychologists attempt to explain the simulation point of view of emotions in reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension of emotional and mental simulation would have a real emotional behavior similar tendency, Wh

3、en reading a directional movement in the case simulation, emotional behavior of analog bias and the tendency of mutual action simulation affected? The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the

4、reading comprehension of the mental simulation of emotional understanding and the movements. The Experiment 1 used a certain mood of the two-word color term for the experimental material, in the case of hiding control of

5、 facial expression, the term test for the judge to do the concrete.the Subjects were tested whether to be emotional or not in the vocabulary level of simulation. The results show that The time of determining the emotion

6、al words is more than the neutral words, we explain the level of reading comprehension in terms of the emotions arising from simulation and the Processing of emotional words need to load additional emotional processing.

7、 Based on Experiment 1,Experiment 2 explores if emotional simulation would arouse specific behavioral tendency further.The experimental results show that away from the reaction of the experimentee’s judgments on negative

8、 emotional color words are faster than those on positive emotional color words and there is no difference between the two in another response direction. This can partly explain the directional behavior of emotional simul

9、ation.While away from the emotional stimulus, individual's emotion is more powerful. Based on Experiment1, Experiment 2 explores if emotional simulation would arouse specific behavioral tendency further. The experime


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