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1、沈陽師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文陌生化手法在文學(xué)翻譯中的研究姓名:李晶申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)與應(yīng)用語言學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:閆怡恂20090501iiAbstract As known, literary works carry their distinctive characteristics. Russian formalism holds that the essential trait of literature is literar

2、iness that makes specific works become literary works. Literariness is embodied in those carefully chosen defamiliarization devices. In fact it is the defamiliarization of artistic forms which helps realize literariness.

3、 Thus, defamiliarization devices are essential to the value of literary works. For the translator, how he views and deals with those devices can be the difference between a good translation and a bad one. But translators

4、 tend to smother or strangle protruding strangeness to please readers in the target language in the domain of literary translation. Based on this situation, the present thesis holds defamiliarization devices essential to

5、 reserve. The concept of defamiliarization derives from Russian Formalism. Defamiliarization devices in the present thesis refer to those linguistic devices which are intentionally created by the writer and which

6、can help readers gain fresh and new aesthetic enjoyment through posing difficulties for the reading process. These devices help to enhance the literariness of their respective works and to achieve better artistic effects

7、. In order to express their unique experience, writers often break linguistic norms by writing down surprising, even strange words and sentences to present something creatively and to get out the exact curve they want. T


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