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1、實(shí)用英語口語 實(shí)用英語口語 1000 句( 句(6)英語輔導(dǎo):www.dd-xx.com501. I always used to leave for work at 8:30.我以前總是八點(diǎn)半去上班。502. I hope you will come back to Shenyang again.愿你下次再來沈陽。503. What's so interesting about football? We girls don&#

2、39;t like it.足球有什么意思?我們女孩子不喜歡足球。504. They are arguing over who should pay the bill.他們?yōu)檎l應(yīng)該付款而爭論不休。505. There was much news in the morning paper today.今天的晨報上有許多新聞。506. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.餐館就

3、在賓館的街對面。507. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk.這是你的筆嗎?我在桌下?lián)斓降摹?08. His wife died a year ago. Now he lives alone.他妻子去年去世了。 現(xiàn)在他一個人住。509. When I saw Mr. Jones, he was talking with John Smith.我見到瓊斯先生時,他正在和約翰·史

4、密斯談話。510. They're building a new house up the street.他們正在我住的這條大街的那一頭建一棟新房了。511. He thinks himself somebody, but we think him nobody.他自以為是個重要人物,但我們認(rèn)為他什么也不是。512. According to these figures, our company is doing well.從這

5、些數(shù)字來看,我們的公司經(jīng)營得不錯。513. The enormous increase of population will create many problems.巨大的人口增長將產(chǎn)生許多問題。514. They called us just as we were having dinner.529. Yes, I like it a great deal/ it very much.是的,我非常喜歡它。530. It is a v

6、ery beautiful country with many mountains.這是一個多山的美麗國度。531. The truth is quite other than what you think.事實(shí)真相與你所想的完全不同。532. Number thirteen buses run much more frequently, don't they?·13 路公共汽車發(fā)車頻次很高,對嗎?533. Every

7、 one must receive nine years of compulsory education.每個人都必須接受九年義務(wù)教育。534. If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face.如果湯姆不能信守諾言,他就會丟面子。535. It seemed as if there was no way out.似乎無路可走了/毫無辦法了。536. What do you like

8、 best, apples, pears, or bananas?蘋果、梨和香蕉,你最喜歡什么?537. We have saved some money against our old age.我們存了一些錢,以備老年之用。538. Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life.計(jì)算機(jī)正漸漸成為我們?nèi)粘I畹囊徊糠荨?39. Ducks know how to swim when

9、 they are born.鴨子生來就知道怎樣游泳。540. I have a lot in common with my sister.我和我姐姐有很多共同點(diǎn)。541. Would you please tell Mr. John that I'm here.請你告訴約翰先生我來了,好嗎?542. The nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room.這個護(hù)士在手術(shù)室協(xié)助了醫(yī)


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