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1、1外研版七年級英語下冊復習提綱 外研版七年級英語下冊復習提綱MODULE 11. listen 聽(強調(diào)動作) hear 聽見(強調(diào)結(jié)果)I listened carefully but I heard nothing. 我仔細聽但什么也沒聽到。2. We are on a school trip. 我們在參加學校郊游。3. What are the others doing? 其他人在干什么?4. lie in the sun / o

2、n the beach 躺在沙灘上5. send sb a postcard 寄給某人一張明信片 send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.6. enjoy the school trip a lot/ very much 非常喜歡學校郊游7. anyway 無論如何 (轉(zhuǎn)移話題)8. buy some presents = shop for presents 買禮物 buy sth. for sb. = bu

3、y sb. sth.go shopping for presents 去買禮物9. enjoy sth. 喜歡某物 enjoy oneself = have a good/ great time enjoy/ like doing sth. 喜歡做某事10. take sth. to sw. 把某物帶到某地 take away11. at this moment=now 此時此刻 (現(xiàn)在進行時)12. in different

4、 places 在不同的地方 (比較 the same) 13. do different things 做不同的事情14. leave work 下班 be at work 上班 He is at work. = He is working.15. wait for buses 等公共汽車 16. run for trains 跑去乘火車17. have a

5、fternoon tea 喝下午茶 18. go to the opera 去聽歌劇19. watch a ballet 看芭蕾 20. get dressed 穿衣;打扮 see friends 看望朋友20. call home 給家里打電話 call sb. = give sb. a call= phone sb. 21. greetings from… 來自……的問候

6、 22. talk on one’s phone 用某人的手機打電話23. do taijiquan,打太極拳 do yangge 扭秧歌24. 現(xiàn)在進行時的構(gòu)成:be 動詞+ 動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞MODULE 21. What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? 在春節(jié)你們有什么傳統(tǒng)?2. lots of traditions 許多傳統(tǒng) 3. cle

7、an the house 打掃房子 do some cleaning4. sweep away bad luck 掃走壞運 5. paint ……red 把……涂成紅色6. It means 它意味著…… What does it mean? (meaning n.)7. decorate …with … 用……裝飾…… 8. have a haircut 剪頭發(fā)9. ev

8、eryone 后面謂語動詞用單數(shù): everyone has a haircut10. visit our family and friends 看望親戚朋友11. at midnight 在半夜 (at noon= in the middle of day) 12.fireworks 用復數(shù)13.bring sb. sth. =bring sth to sb. 給某人帶來…… bring back14.

9、at night , in the evening15. get ready for sth. (be ready for sth.) get ready for doing sth. 為……做準備16. sweep the floor 掃地 17. learn a dragon dance 學舞龍18. make lanterns 做燈籠

10、 19.cook the meal 做飯 do some cooking20. be interested in sth 對某物感興趣 be interested in doing sth. 對做某事感興趣MODULE 31. check my email 查收我的郵件 get up early 起早 have a picnic 郊游 go to a party 去參加聚會 at 3MODU

11、LE 51. seven million millions of Americans2. answer some questions for my homework 為我的作業(yè)回答一些問題3.What’s the population of …? 某地人口是多少?形容人口多用 big 或 large What’s its population?4. Shanghai has 13 million people.

12、 Shanghai is a city with a population of 13million.The population of Shanghai is 13 million seven million.It has a population of 13 million people. 5. be famous for 以……而出名 如:北京以長城而聞名。Beijing is famous for the Grea

13、t Wall.6. in the east/south/west of… 在……的東、南、西…(內(nèi)部)上海在中國的東部。 Shanghai is in the east of China.7. 問天氣:What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather?8. on the coast 在海岸線上9. It’s never very hot in the summer or very cold

14、in the winter.10. with 帶有,有 Beijing is a city with lots of old buildings.MODULE 6一、反義詞:dangerous 危險的----- safe 安全的 danger / safety n.difficult 難的------ easy 容易的 exciting 激動人心的------ boring 枯燥的expensive

15、 昂貴的------ cheap 便宜的 popular 受歡迎的------ unpopular 不受歡迎的 relaxing 放松的------ tiring 累人的 badly(worse, worst) 壞地------ well(better, best) 好地carefully 認真地------ carelessly 粗心地 late 晚------ early 早loudly 大聲地--

16、---- quietly 安靜地2. be good at sth 擅長某事 be good at doing sth 擅長做某事例如:我哥哥擅長籃球。 My brother is good at basketball.我哥哥擅長打藍球。 My brother is good at playing basketball.3. What Olympic sports do you like? Football is

17、 my favourite sport.Why do you like it? I like it because it’s exciting4. 位移動詞用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來時。如:她將去學校。She is going to school. She is leaving for school.5. 在每周六上午九點半 at 9:30 am every Saturday6. 早到這兒 get here early 晚

18、到那兒 arrive there late坐在黑板前 sit in front of the blackboard 在教室后面 at the back of the classroom 7. It’s +adj. + to do sth學習英語很難。It’s very difficult to learn English.8. 對某人講得又慢又大聲 speak slowly and loudly to sb(賓格).slowly

19、 和 loudly 為副詞,副詞修飾動詞。9. 需要做某事 need to do sth 我們需要每天打掃教室。We need to clean the classroom every day.想要做某事 want to do sth = would like to do sth.我們想要打藍球。We want to play basketball10. No one 謂語動詞用單數(shù)。如:沒人要踢足球。 No one wants t


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