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1、1語篇翻譯 語篇翻譯(一) (2017 年懷化中考)Jeff Keith has only one leg.With a plastic leg,Jeff could skate,ride a bicycle,swim and play soccer.1.他也能跑。Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs,too. They decided to

2、run across America.2.That was difficult for them.But they wanted to challenge themselves.Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west when he was twenty-two.He started running in Boston.3.Seven

3、months later, he stopped running in Los Angeles.Jeff is disabled,4.但是他能做很多事情。He is studying to be a lawyer(律師) now.Jeff says,“People can do anything they want to do.5.I ran not only for disabled people,but for everyb

4、ody.”1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 35.We

5、 should choose our friends carefully,because they can have a huge influence on our life.As someone told me,“The attitudes of your friends are like the button(按鈕) on a lift.They will either take you up or down.

6、”四) (2017 年衡陽中考)What do you think of your Chinese?Is it good or bad?1.如果你認(rèn)為自己擅長漢語,你可以參加一個(gè)比賽。The competition is Chinese Characters Dictation Competition.2.The competition has been popular among t

7、eenagers since last summer.Today teenagers are using computers and smart phones.3.Many of them lose themselves in digital products such as electronic dictionaries and computers to help with their study.Overuse

8、 of these tools will make students too lazy to think and write.4.有些學(xué)生甚至忘記了如何手寫漢字。Teachers and parents are very worried about it.What can they do?Such worries have brought about the popular TV show,Chinese Charac

9、ters Dictation Competition,where middle school students stand on the stage to write down Chinese characters.5.Over two hundred students from forty-six schools competed.Chen Keyu,a Grade 8 boy beat the other competitors


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