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1、1、 For years China's Hainan province has been developing its tourism industry, with the key 1 made by central authorities that aims to turn the island into an international tourist destination.Hainan's

2、tourism industry has grown 2 , but it's suffered from 3 is called “growing pains”. During the Spring Festival of 2018, thousands of holidaymakers returning home were stuck in a 4 traffic jam on

3、the island.In order to develop Hainan into an international 5 of tourism and consumption, the government will 6 the duty-free policy to 7 sales.In the future, the special-trained police in Hainan

4、will equip 8 with more high-tech devices to quickly 9 to emergencies, to monitor tourist sites and to translate. Police officers are also being trained 10 foreign languages to 11 the langu

5、age harrier and better help 12 tourists.The province is also seeking creative ways to attract tourists by offering them diverse and exclusive 13 . For instance, luxury hotels and vacation villages are

6、 14 cultural and educational programs to accommodation, 15 somewhat reflects Hainan’s ambition to turn itself into the Dubai of China.China also plans to further extend the offshore duty-free shopping 16

7、 in Hainan to cover all outbound tourists. Hainan has already had one of the world’s 17 duty-free shopping centers and it's now the fourth island in the world to pilot the policy.The government wants Haina

8、n to welcome more global investors, 18 a free trade zone by 2020 and a free trade port by 2025. In Sanya, the Phoenix Island International Cruise Port being upgraded is welcoming a ( n ) 19 number of peop

9、le internationally and the 20 can look forward to a bright future.1.A.problem B.decision C.introduction D.comment2.A.rapidly B.normally C.fortunately D.slowly3.A.why B.how C.that D.what

10、4.A.complicated B.strong C.disordered D.extraordinary5.A.center B.institution C.organization D.trade6.A.look up B.take up C.open up D.put up7.A.welcome B.control C.decrease D.boost8.A.

11、ourselves B.themselves C.yourselves D.itself9.A.devote B.answer C.respond D.relate10.A.in B.with C.by D.over11.A.debate B.overcome C.defeat D.challenge3.A.brush B.printing C.ink

12、 D.tea4.A.newly-built B.highly-developed C.badly-transformed D.so-called5.A.depended B.called C.fixed D.based6.A.delivered B.checked C.conducted D.explained7.A.pick B.guess C.improve

13、 D.observe8.A.blame B.action C.service D.effect9.A.on B.against C.from D.for10.A.certain B.low C.basic D.top11.A.testing B.visa C.calling D.payment12.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Oth

14、erwise D.However13.A.pioneered B.ruined C.purchased D.borrowed14.A.dreamed B.operated C.imagined D.prohibited15.A.used B.examined C.registered D.required16.A.so B.while C.since D.as

15、17.A.schedulers B.traditions C.conflicts D.origins18.A.moves B.drawbacks C.connections D.concerns19.A.do up B.make for C.stand out D.take on20.A.puzzling B.convenient C.challenging D.c

16、ontroversial3Migrant workersIn the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some newly independent countries have 1 most jobs to local people, o

17、thers have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the 2 in the Middle East, where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to 3 outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the M

18、iddle East has attracted oil-workers from the USA and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.In view of the 4 living and working conditio

19、ns in the Middle East, surprising it is not that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and


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