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1、 分類號 F323 U D C 338 學(xué)校代碼 10129 學(xué)號2009208042 內(nèi)蒙古羊肉地理品牌問題研究 The Research of Regional Brand Issues about Inner Mongolian Mutton 申 請 人:崔世俊 學(xué)科門類: 管理學(xué) 學(xué)科專業(yè):農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟管理 研究方向:農(nóng)牧業(yè)經(jīng)濟理論與政策 指導(dǎo)教師:蓋志毅 教授 文提交日期:二○一二年五月

2、The Research of Regional Brand Issues about Inner Mongolian Mutton Abstract Animal husbandry is comparatively more developed in Inner Mongolia, strengthening the construction of the geographical brand of the Inner Mon

3、golian mutton is an important measure to promote the competitiveness of the Inner Mongolian mutton. Based on the lack of the brand construction, this paper selected one geographical brand of the Inner Mongolian mutton to

4、 research its construction of the brand. The paper mainly content six chapters. The first chapter presents the purpose, significance, research scope and the innovation points and difficulties; The second chapter describe

5、s some related concepts and economic theories of regional brand, discusses the development of theoretical basis of regional brand , and then defines the Inner Mongolia mutton as a regional brand according to the summariz

6、e of the development of the regional brand; In the third part, the writer analyzes the present situation and formation conditions of regional brand of the Inner Mongolia mutton, and then discusses the present situation

7、and existing problems of the construction of the regional brand; The forth part shows the reason of deficiency of the regional brand construction, and make an comprehensive evaluation about the Inner Mongolian mutton use

8、 statistical data; Chapter Five puts forward suggestion about strengthen the construction of regional brand in order to give lamb products for the enterprises or the government; The final part discussed the main conclusi

9、on about all over the paper. Key words:Inner Mongolia mutton;regional brand;brand construction Directed by: prof. GAI Zhiyi (Ph.D) Applicant for Master degree: CUI Shijun (master of Management) ( Agricultural Economi


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