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1、分 類 編 號 :密 級 :單位 代 碼 : 10 065號 : 092 1800 1硏 究生 學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目: 論 新 生代 繪 畫 作 品 的視 覺 張 力學(xué) 生 姓 名 :_£ 1  申請 學(xué)位 級別 : 碩 士申請專業(yè)名稱 : 美 術(shù)學(xué)研 究 方 向:油畫藝術(shù)研 究 .指 導(dǎo)教師姓 名 : 姜 文學(xué) 專 業(yè) 技 術(shù)職稱 : 教授提 交 論 文 日期 :A b stra c tT h e painti n

2、g is t he aut hor i n t he pl ane,t hrough vari ou s m edia t o express a ki nd ofartform .T h e pai nti ng of t he perform ance of visu altension si m ple said is t hatem bodies t h e visualpi ct ure

3、app ealand visuali m pact.I n p ai nt ings i n visualten si on iseveryw here,is t h e soulof t he p ai nti ng.V isualt ensi on is p ai nt ing w orks of t henecessary condi ti ons for w orks of pai nt i ng

4、has a very i m p ortantsignifi cance.T hepai nti ng of vi su alt ensi on on t he success of w or k sor nott o pl ay an i m port antrol e.From t he p ai nti ng began to produce,how to m ake t he art i

5、sts w ork m ore w i t h visu alt ension,h as don e a l otof at t em p tand exp l orati on .V i sualt ension m ai nly fr om t hew orks of com posi t ion ,col or,pai nt i ng t he i ndi vi dual i t y of t he

6、 language,etc t o express,have vi sualtensi on i s a good pai nt i n g w orks of essent i alfact ors.T he new gen erat i on artphenom enon has nota f resh t opi c.B utas a t urni ng poi nt i nC h i nese con

7、tem porary arti m portantartph enom enon ,t he 20 t h century fr om ni nety sbegan t o presentt he artt rend st i l li n t he cont i nued devel opm entand spread to affecteach style i n t he fi el d of

8、 artcreat i on,t he new generati on of C hi nese contem porary artin pai nt i ng i n t h e fi eld have i m portanti nfluence on stat us.T his paper m ai nl y refers tot he new gen eration i n C hi na b

9、efore and aft er a few years of t he seventy s w as bornart i sts,becau se t hey are diff erentf rom t he parents'generat i on cul t uralbackground .T hi s a com pl etel y di fferentgrow t h experi ence

10、w il lm ake t hese art ists and t he parentshave di fferenti d eas.T h ey i n t h e net w ork w orl d cul ture b ackground and grow i ng up ,learni ng is t he w estern syst em know ledge pl us nat i ve t ra

11、di t i onalcu l t ure.T h eobjecti ve of the form er generat ion m ore easi l y t han sai d b y w est ern assi m i lat ion,sot hey oft en i n a differentw ay t han predecessor t hi nki ng t o understand,perf

12、orm ance,deduce contem p orary art,and w i llbe contem porary artw as m ore di versi t y .T herefore,t hei r artisti c conceptartperform ance and elder and significantdifferent.T hei r pai nti ngs h as t he uni

13、que vi sualtensi on.In t his paper,accordi ng to t he aut h or l earned i n oil ,t he new generat i on of p ai nt ingw orks of v i sualtensi on approaches.T his new g en erati on of artprodu ction ti m e an dcu

14、 l t uralb ackground,t h e n ew generati on o f paint ing t h e b asi c characteri st ics.T h e n ewgenerat i on of artm ajor artform i s expressed t hrough t he pai nti ng,pai nti ng i n t h e n ewgen era

15、t i on of new artrepresent ati ve m ean i ng.T hrou gh t h e f u llt extof C h i neseSh enL i ng,fan g l i jun,such as t he new gen erat i on del egate p ai nter w orks i nterpretati onand an al ysi s.T h e fi rs

16、tch apt er of t he new generation of fine arts m ajor p roduced erabackground and devel opm enti n t hi s paper.T he second chapter m ai nl y expounds thenew generati on of vi sualtensi on and pai nti ng pa

17、i nt ing of t he rel at ionshi p bet w een t h evari ous tact o rs.In the thi rd chapter m ai n ly exp ounds t he new generation representthecharacteri st ics of pai nti ng w orks.T h e fourt h chapter m ai nl y

18、expounds t h e newgen erat i on of cont em porary C hi nese oi lp ai nti n g p ai nti ng of i n fl uen ce.K ey w ord :vi sualt ensi on ,new generat i on pai nt i ng,col or,i ndi vi duat i oncom posi ti on l angu


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