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1、1西南大學網(wǎng)絡與繼續(xù)教育學院畢 業(yè) 論 文(設(shè)計)題目:企業(yè)職工醫(yī)療制度的問題與對策探 題目:企業(yè)職工醫(yī)療制度的問題與對策探討學生姓名 學 號 1210872423004 類 型 網(wǎng) 絡 教 育 專 業(yè) 層 次 指導教師 日 期

2、 2014 年 3 月 21 日 3AbstractEnterprise employees' basic medical insurance is an important part of health insurance is a social insurance system in order to compensate workers suffering economic losses due to the risk

3、 of disease in order to create. Their pay in the form of employer and individual contributions, and the establishment of the medical insurance fund, so that after the occurrence of the insured medical expenses for treatm

4、ent of illness, and health insurance agencies to give the corresponding economic compensation to avoid or mitigate the suffering of workers because disease, treatment etc. to withstand the economic risks. Due to the spec

5、ial nature of health insurance, medical insurance are facing moral hazard and adverse selection is much higher than other forms of insurance. Therefore, the question of the health care system for enterprise employees and

6、 countermeasures have some value.This subject briefly describes the current situation and the historical process of China's medical insurance system of China's medical insurance system. With the continuous advanc

7、e and deepen the reform of the basic medical insurance system for enterprise employees of reform practice has made some progress and achievements, but it is undeniable our system of medical insurance system for enterpris

8、e employees are still many problems to be solved. This requires us to constantly improve, to adapt to China's national conditions to develop medical insurance system for enterprise employees system. To further expand

9、 the achievements of reform and opening to contribute.This topic through read a lot of literature data, and analysis of the relevant information from the status of employee medical insurance system for enterprise reform,


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