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1、一、寫出下列動詞的過去式 1.am/is ________ 2.do _______ 3.go ________ 4.have _______ 5.isn’t _________ 6. aren’t ________ 7.spend________ 8.cook_______ 9.read ________ 10.clean _______ 11.live _______ 12.study_________二、用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~

2、完成下列對話 1.— How was your weekend? — It ______ great.— What _______ you ______ last weekend ? — I _______ some homework.2.— What ______ she ______ last weekend? — She _______ to the beach.3.— What _______ they do last week

3、end? — They ________ to the movies.三、用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1. We _________ (enjoy) ourselves at the party last night.2.Jack ____________ (study) for the English test last Sunday.3._______ you ______ (go) to the Great Wall last

4、year?4. What day _______ (be) it yesterday? 5.The old man _______(be)ill and went to see a doctor.6.We ________ (have) a party last night.7.We __________ (visit) the museum and went home.8.— How _______ (be) the students

5、? — They were very friendly. 9.He often _______ (have) supper at home. Today he ______ (have) supper at school.10.— ______ he _______ (have) lunch at nine? — No, he didn’t.11.They _________(buy) a guitar yesterday.五、選擇填空

6、 ( ) 1. Lee ________ his mobile phone at home. A. leave B. leaves C. leaved D. left ( ) 2. _____ he ________ a good rest? No, he didn’t. A. Do, had B. Did, have C. Did, h

7、ad D. Was, had ( ) 3. As soon as he ________, he ______ to his family. A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write ( ) 4. Mr. Black was late because

8、 he _______ his way. A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost ( ) 5. When _________ Lee ________ school this morning? A. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got ( ) 6. Will

9、 you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you. A. didn’t, hear B. don’t, heard C. didn’t, heard D. don’t, hear( ) 7. ______ you ________ at six o’clock yesterday? A. Do ,get up

10、 B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up ( ) 8.What did you see _________? A. now B. every day C. these days D. just now ( ) 9.He went into the room and _______ the door. A. lock B

11、. locking C. locks D. locked ( ) 10. —What _____ you _______ last week? —I bought a bag.A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought ( ) 11. —_____ he ____ his lunch? — Yes, he did.

12、 A. Does ,has B. Does, have C. Did, have D. Did, had 3.Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.There _________ (be) no one here a moment ago.5.I ___________ (call) Mike this morning. 6.I listened

13、 but ___________ (hear) nothing. 7.Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8.Last week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9.My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. 10.She watches

14、TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night. 11.________ your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year? 12. —What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday? —We __________ (ge

15、t) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 13.What __________ (make) him cry (哭) just now? 14.Last year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 15.There ____________ a telephone call for you ju

16、st now. (be) 16.There __________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 17.There _____________ any hospitals (醫(yī)院) in my hometown (家鄉(xiāng)) in 1940. ( be not) 18.There ____________ enough milk at home last week,

17、wasn’t there? 19.Eli ____________ to Japan last week. ( move) 20. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China? - Last year. 21.Did she ________ (have) supper at home? 22.Jack ____________ (not clean) the room just no

18、w. 23._________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday? 24.How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term? 25.It ________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside. 26. There ________ (be) a f

19、ootball match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it. 27. He ate some bread and _________ (drink) some milk. 28. ________ he __________ (finish)

20、his homework last night? 29. I__________(be) tired yesterday. 30. I ___________(gain ) Arts degree last year. 31. What _________ you ___________ (do) last night? 32. My grandfather _________ (leave) Hong Kong for New Y

21、ork in 1998. 33. What _______ he ________ (do) yesterday? 34. Last week I _______ (buy) a new bike. 35. He ________ (be) here just now. 36. He __________ (not find ) his key last night. 37. My father __________ (drink)

22、 a lot of wine yesterday. 38. ________ you ________ (finish) your homework yesterday? 39. I ________ (eat) some eggs and bread this morning. 40. Her mother __________ (not give) the girl any present. 41. Last year Mr.


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