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1、5300 漢字, 漢字,3300 單詞, 單詞,1.8 萬英文字符 萬英文字符Path to a Low-Carbon EconomyAn Interim Plan to Address Washington’s Greenhouse Gas EmissionsDecember 2010 Publication no. 10-01-0112Since the publication of that report, many of th

2、e policies laid out by the Climate Action Team have either been fully or partially implemented, as summarized in Appendix 2. But, after debate at the state and federal level, lawmakers have not implemented the centerpi

3、ece of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan: an economy-wide emissions trading program.When the 2009 Washington Legislature did not adopt the emissions trading program, Governor Gregoire issued Executive Order 09-05 to direct E

4、cology and other agencies to continue working to address climate change with other state and federal partners.Executive Order 09-05 directed Ecology to:? Continue to work with six other Western states and four Canadian

5、provinces in the Western Climate Initiative to develop a regional emissions reduction program design.? Advise the federal government and Washington's congressional delegation on designing a national program that re

6、flects state priorities.? Work with large GHG emissions sources in the industrial and electricity sectors to develop emission reduction strategies.? Work with businesses and interested stakeholders to develop recommenda

7、tions on emission benchmarks for use in voluntary or regulatory programs to reduce GHG emissions.? Work with TransAlta to reduce emissions from the company’s coal-fired power plant near Centralia by more than half.? W

8、ork with DNR to develop a forestry offset program and other financial incentives to promote continued carbon sequestration in the forestry industry.? Evaluate a Low-Carbon Fuel Standard as a mechanism to reduce carbon e

9、missions from the transportation sector.? Join with Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), other West Coast states and the private sector to make alternative fuels, including electricity for plug-in vehicles

10、, available along the West Coast highway and adjoining metropolitan centers.? Working with the larger regional transportation councils, develop regional transportation plans that will increase transit options, and reduc

11、e greenhouse gas emissions.? Address the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and the risks to water supplies.As directed by the Governor, Ecology has completed a number of the tasks outlined in the

12、Executive Order. The Department:? Worked with the large emissions sources in the state, gaining a greater understanding of the sources of emissions and the opportunities to reduce emissions in the industrial and electr


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