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1、6100 英文單詞, 英文單詞,3.4 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 1 萬字 萬字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:Saad al-sumaiti A, Ahmed M H, Salama M M A. Smart home activities: A literature review[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014, 42(3-4): 294-305.Smart Home

2、Activities: A Literature ReviewAmeena Saad Al-Sumaiti, Mohammed Hassan Ahmed, and Magdy M. A. SalamaAbstractThe increasing interest in smart home technologies has created a need for a comprehensive literature survey. Thi

3、s article reviews the goals of a smart home energy management system, along with related definitions, applications, and information about the manufacturing of its components. The challenges associated with smart home ene

4、rgy management systems and possible solutions are examined, and the energy factors that contribute to a customer’s electricity bill are discussed. A number of price schemes and the load models needed for solving related

5、scheduling optimization problems are also presented, including a review of the literature related to energy management system scheduling with respect to its control, automation, and communication.Keywords: smart home, en

6、ergy management system, energy management activities, smart grid1. INTRODUCTIONA smart home incorporates sensors, actuators, middleware, and a network [1] and has two major interacting components: a smart network and a s

7、mart load [2]. The primary objectives of a smart home are to increase home automation, facilitate energy management, and reduce environmental emissions. Home automation can be improved through an improved communication n

8、etwork that involves a twisted pair power lines, radio signals, or fiber optics in a bus-based network or an internet protocol as standards. Smart home energy can be managed through the selection of efficient appliances,

9、 improvement in customers’ knowledge of and experience with residential energy management, participation in demand-side management (DSM) programs, and the deployment of an energy management system (EMS). Environmental em

10、issions can be decreased through decreased dependency on fossil fuels, the adoption of renewable energy generation sources (such as wind and solar), and the control of electricity consumption.1.1. Home AutomationAlthough

11、 smart devices have been available in the past, their use has been restricted because they lack intercommunication. One suggested solution is to connect all smart devices using hard wiring [3]; however, the resulting por

12、tability problem then creates a demand for a wireless network capable of accommodating the devices. Organizations have therefore developed management, additional services, and gateways for smart devices [3]. Smart home n

13、etwork technology has been deployed in different systems, such as powerline and radio frequency systems [4]. These developments enable the deployment of a network in smart devices but only with a high associated cost tha

14、t has itself become a new challenge.1.2. Energy ManagementThe primary factors in smart home energy management include efficient home appliance design, improved customer awareness, participation in DSM programs, and the u

15、se of an EMS.With respect to appliance design, in [5], the authors observed that the average energy efficiency of appliances is below best practice levels because of delays in replacing older, less-efficient electronics

16、with new efficient electronics and because customers fail to remember energy consumption when purchasing an appliance. In [6], stricter standards are suggested to improve customers’ decisions toward the purchase of home

17、appliances.In 2001, household’s utility payments averaged $1400 [5, 11]. As a result, energy conservation is targeted and should provide an economic benefit. Customer investment in monitoring and controlling equipment ca

18、nnot be an effective solution without a financial return. To counteract the prohibitive cost of smart home equipment, the regulatory market should limit the current prices of smart home devices [5].A key smart home eleme

19、nt is the EMS, the major activities of which are the focus of this article, as summarized in Figure 1. EMSs have been associated with a variety of research areas that are reviewed in this work and are listed in Figure 2.

20、 Because of the important role of the EMS in energy conservation, Section 2 is dedicated to a discussion of its definition, components, goals, and manufacturing, along with associated challenges.FIGURE 1. SHEMS activitie


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