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1、Chapter 4 Sustainable Container Terminals: A Design ApproachJoan C. Rijsenbrij and Armin WieschemannAbstract The future will bring increasing demands from society for a better quality of life and for more sustainable des

2、igns also in port handling facilities. Moreover, scarcity of land forces port authorities to realize higher area utilizations. Terminal operators have equal objectives, but on top of that they are looking for cost reduct

3、ions through decreased life cycle cost (energy consumption, maintenance, life-time, etc.). Many of these topics have their impact on the design of terminal (stack) handling systems and for that reason both the terminal o

4、perators (in their systems specs and equip- ment specs) and the system (equipment) suppliers are in the process of installing more sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective handling systems. In this chapte

5、r the authors present a design approach and directives to be applied for stacking systems and connected transportation systems in container terminals. Cov- ered topics are: performance issues stack configurations, strate

6、gies to realize more sustainable designs and measures to increase cost-efficiency and to reduce energy use and eco-impact. The chapter shows the challenge how to balance service re- quirements, costs and demands for sust

7、ainability.4.1 IntroductionDuring the last decades the world showed a growing awareness of the limited re-Joan C. Rijsenbrij Department of Marine and Transport Technology - Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 2, 2628

8、CD Delft, The Netherlands email: j.c.rijsenbrij@tudelft.nlArmin Wieschemann Gottwald Port Technology GmbH Forststraße 16, 40597 D¨ usseldorf, Germany email: armin.wieschemann@gottwald.com61 J. W. Böse (ed.

9、), Handbook of Terminal Planning, Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series 49, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8408-1_4, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 20114 Sustainable Container Terminals: A Design Ap

10、proach 63However, terminal equipment manufacturers have experienced that the short- term economic vision of many terminal companies result in risk-avoiding manage- ment, including reluctance against new technologies that

11、 will bring a better future cost performance and that will improve sustainability. In this chapter we will emphasize on the philosophy and practical application of systems and technologies that will support sustainabilit

12、y of container terminals and that will contribute to lower overall life cycle cost, including the impact on environment and ecology.4.2 Sustainability and the Container Handling IndustryAlready for several decades, susta

13、inability is a design aspect with (necessarily) a growing importance. Unfortunately there is not one clear definition of sustainable design, however, in general sustainability is known as: “Meeting the needs of the prese

14、nt, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Nowadays most designers recognize three major aspects to be considered in their design activities:? People: systems or equipment should

15、 be such that social aspects are not violated but should be improved.? Planet: systems, equipment and processes should not damage the natural envi- ronment in which they are active. Natural resources and the ecology shou

16、ld be safeguarded.? Profit: systems and processes should focus on reasonable profits to survive and deliver services to the environment.In this respect sustainability is often characterized by four activities: Reduce, Re

17、use, Recycle and Regulate. In 1989 the World Business Council for Sustainable Devel- opment defined a new attitude: Eco-efficiency, to be achieved by the delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy h

18、uman needs and bring qual- ity of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life cycle to a level at least in line with earth’s carrying capacity. Based on the above the

19、European Environmental Agency came with the follow- ing definition: Eco-efficiency is “the amount of environment used per unit of eco- nomic activity”. Manufacturers like Nokia have translated this broad definition into

20、design directives e.g.: minimized use of energy, material, toxic dispersion, extended durability (lifetime), maximized use of renewable resources and increased recycling. More recent, Braungart et al (2007) and McDonough

21、 and Braungart (2002) pre- sented their Cradle-to-Cradle design approach to be considered as eco-effectiveness. In that design approach the material intensity per service unit is irrelevant as long as the output can serv


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