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1、3400 英文單詞, 英文單詞,2 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 5600 字文獻出處 文獻出處: Li J. Research of the Operational Mechanism of the Fresh Food E-commerce Supply Chain and “Agricultural and Supermarket Docking” Mode in China[J]. Science Research 201

2、6; 4(2): 55-60Research of the Operational Mechanism of the Fresh Food E-commerce Supply Chain and “Agricultural and Supermarket Docking” Mode in ChinaJuntao Li, Xiaohuan Xiang, Xingxiang TaoAbstractAs an emerging field o

3、f e-commerce in China, fresh food e-commerce is still in the development period. In order to facilitate an in-depth study, this paper summarizes the operational mechanism and the characteristics of the fresh food e-comme

4、rce supply chain, and proposes suggestions about fresh food e-commerce operation and development. One of the challenges in the implementation of “agricultural and supermarket docking” mode is that fresh agricultural prod

5、ucts circulation is not fluent. Public information service platform enables the enterprise information resources sharing within the scope of supply chain. It uses information technology tools to integrate the involved en

6、terprise's information resources in supply chain with Internet advantages. In the logistics business, under the premise of sharing of information, retail supermarkets and third party cold chain logistics services com

7、pany combine business situation and adjust the logistics business process. In the process of circulation of agricultural products, it works together in the process of transportation and distribution of agricultural produ

8、cts based on the public information service platform in both orders and waybill operation independently. Its systematic operation includes cold chain transportation and cold storage resource, reducing their operating cos

9、t, improving the benefit of enterprises and improving the service level. Through the application of Internet technology, it can solve the traditional information service platform of the quality of agricultural products a

10、nd transportation problems.Keywords: Fresh Food E-commerce, Operating Mechanism, Public Information Service Platform, “Agricultural and Supermarket Docking” Mode1. IntroductionIn recent years, both researches and practit

11、ioners have devoted attention to environmental sustainability of supply chain, while firms have modified their marketing strategies highlighting green practices in productive and logistic processes among the features of

12、their products [1]. Fresh agricultural product is highly perishable. Its geographical distribution is wide-ranging. So there is a huge difference compared with standardized, large-scale, full circulated industrial commod

13、ities. Therefore, the time utility of fresh agricultural product is particularly strong, with the increase of selling time, showing rapid decline in product prices. Fresh agricultural product is closely related to produc

14、tion and market demand. The economic developed rapidly, the quality of life improved continuously, promoting the rapid expansion of the market of fresh agricultural product industry. Figure 1 shows the future fresh marke

15、t capacity in China. The fresh food industry is increasingly more interested in developing efficient and innovative solutions to guarantee quality and distribution sustainability [2].Although fresh and cold chain logisti

16、cs technologies can play a role, but the wastage of the fresh agricultural product is still very high and serious between dealers. Especially trans-regional trade deals are becoming more prominent with the stocks and the

17、 limited operational resources [3]. Currently, consumers become more and more sensitive to whether for food prices, qualities or It will be full monitoring and managing of agricultural products from the origin to the con

18、sumption place, by achieving the traceability of identity information and circulation information.2. The Analysis About Fresh Food E-commerce Supply ChainThe fresh agricultural product trade links includes production, pu

19、rchasing, processing, selling, logistics, home delivery and so on. Along the supply chain of a product, enterprises can interconnect to any other nodes, to form a link structure which can share information and promote ot

20、her enterprises.In the fresh food e-commerce supply chain, every node integrate related enterprise information and the process supported by information technology, do research about each code in the supply chain with sys

21、temic views, and establish a strategy cooperation partners relationship which information shared and interests shared, to reduce information “island“ phenomenon in product circulation, to reduce total supply chain invent

22、ory cost and trading cost between enterprises, eventually to improve efficiency in market running.In accordance with the idea of system integration of the value chain, through information technology, we can make traditio

23、nal fresh food e-commerce supply chain evolve into a goal-driven organization. The union is dominated by core enterprise, providing competitive fresh products.3. The Characteristics of the Fresh Food E-commerce Supply Ch

24、ain ModelThere are 5 characteristics of the fresh food e-commerce supply chain model:3.1. Based on Synergy and SystemFresh food e-commerce supply chain devotes to build a multi-channel value-added chain, because of a lot

25、 of professional restrictions in the area, there are many opportunities about collaboration, communication and information management. In this way, operational activities like all procurement and sales activities can be

26、most effectively supported in the core enterprise or third party logistics and fourth party logistics management through information platforms (such as e-commerce platform).3.2. C2B PrincipleC2B concept is to make the en

27、terprise consider from consumer demand, dig deeper into the customer psychology, guide by customer demand in the supply chain management, while driving the efficient operation of capital flow, material flow and informati

28、on flow.3.3. Quick Response MechanismThere will be rapid change in fresh food market demand under certain rules. That is why all the nodes of the supply chain businesses should have rapid response capability, so as to im

29、prove the efficiency of the whole system.3.4. Value Added FeatureThe node enterprises on supply chain make the sales planning and forecasting basing on the entire supply chain system, as well as through the coordination

30、of all aspects of operations to meet changing market demand, make upstream enterprises and terminal enterprises ready to gain the initiative in an increasingly competitive market.3.5. Feature of IntersectionIn a supply c


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