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1、Integrated Information System for reserving rooms in HotelsDr. Safarini OsamaIT Department University of Tabuk, Tabuk, KSA AbstractIt is very important to build new and modern flexible dynamic effective compatible reus

2、able information systems including database to help manipulate different processes and deal with many parts around it. One of these is managing the room reservations for groups and individual, to focus necessary needs in

3、 hotels and to be integrated with accounting system. This system provides many tools can be used in taking decision.Keywords: IS Information System;MIS -Management Information System;DFD Data Flow Diagram;ER Entity Relat

4、ionship;DBMS - Database Management system.INTRODUCTIONSince tourism is now taking advantage in all over the world, so the role of hotels is coming greater than before, from this point of view our system gains its importa

5、nce. We had followed the standards of building an information system [1], which is analysis, design, and implementation.Hotels are big organizations that take place in the market, so using manual system may lead to more

6、and more errors, because people forgot, and their thinking is limited, so we think that using a computerized system is more efficient, especially that we are living in information age.Reservation is the most important pa

7、rt of any hotel system, this process should be efficient. So it can serve the commercial goals of the hotel. The most important entity in the Reservation process is the Rooms, reserving Rooms in a hotel should be dynamic

8、, and the whole process should be done in an effective way to maximize the hotel profits.We have two types of customers in the hotel; individual customers and group customers, and the person who is responsible for reserv

9、ation is the front office manager. Group customers have higher priority over individual customers in high season, because group customers are more stable. So the front office manager should take decisions about the reser

10、vation, these decisions can be supported by the computerized system. This system provides many tools that the front office manager could use in taking his decision for allocating rooms and reserve for groups and taking r

11、ight decisions.The user can change his password and nickname from the system that the reservation manager gave it to him. The system doesn't provide the manager with any kind of statistics about the situation of the

12、rooms in the hotel. A reservation manager screen contains two main components. The first is adding recipient information and assign him a shift and sub-manager property. The second component is adding new room to hotel a

13、nd converts an existing room to maintenance state.DISCUSSIONThe designed Information system begins with a login screen Fig.1 This screen is the first screen in the system which allows the authorized user to access the sy

14、stem. Our project is talking mainly about the reservation process, and components needed to connect the reservation system with other systems needed by the hotel.First, we divide the reservation process into two types, w

15、hich are group’s reservation and individual’s reservation, this division was done so the user will not be confused, and the information needed from each entity differ from the other.The reservation process is provided wi

16、th search capabilities, allocating rooms for the customer is one of the most important components of the system which enables the front office manager and recipient to allocate empty rooms for the customers. The Main men


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