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1、 鄭州大學畢業(yè)設計題 目: 40m 預應力混凝土簡支 T 型梁橋設計(凈-7+2×0.75m 人行道) 指導教師: 職稱: 教授 學生姓名: 學號: 專 業(yè): 水利水電工程(道路與橋梁方向) 院(系): 水利與環(huán)境學院 完成時間: 2011

2、年 6 月 2011 年 6 月 1 日ABSTRACTThis design begins with basic method and gives most content to the design of main beams. When the method of main beams designing is mastered, we can go on the designing o

3、f other parts.The main content of this design is as followings: The arrange of longitudinal section and lateral section, Main beams design, Crossing beam designing and Drive-way plank designing.The arrange of longit

4、udinal section and lateral section:According to the specification and the experience of practical engineering, we can decide the distance of girders, the number of the girders, the height of the main beams and the mai

5、n size of each section.Main beams design: Internal forces include invariable force and variable force. We can use the method of the structural mechanics. To calculate the variable internal force, we calculate the lateral

6、 direction coefficient of the load with the method of corrected eccentricity pressures.with the result of the calculation, we can obtain the control internal force, and we can approximately decide the number of the pre-s

7、tressed concrete band.design the main beams with post-tensioning method, selecting pre-burry corrected tube anchoring. Then calculate the loss of the pre-stress and obtain the valid pre-stress and examine the strength, s

8、tress, and transform of the main beams.Crossing beam designing:To make sure that all main beams rear the load together and to enhance the globality of the construction, this design goes on the crossing beam calculation w

9、ith the method of corrected eccentricity pressures. We only calculate the internal force of the middle crossing beam because of the maximum force is in the place of the middle of the span. Drive-way plank designing:In th


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