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1、 九年級英語第六單元教案設計 九年級英語第六單元教案設計課題:Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Section A Period 1一.教學內(nèi)容分析 本單元的話題主要是談論個人的喜好,本節(jié)課主要是讓學生運用定語從句來介紹自己喜歡的音樂類型。音樂無國界,進而談論和我們?nèi)粘I蠲芮新?lián)系的話題。二.教學背景分析 大部分學生熱愛英語,喜歡用英語來表達自己的觀

2、點和想法,本課的話題與生活實際聯(lián)系較為密切,能夠鍛煉學生運用英語進行交際的能力。 三、教學設計說明本課通過不同種類的音樂,談論學生自己的喜好,主要是應用定語從句這一語法,可以說,本節(jié)新課是對這一語法的具體操練。本課使用多媒體課件教學,用不同類型的音樂的圖片、樂曲來吸引學生,激發(fā)學生學習的積極性。同時,能讓音樂這門無國界的語言愉悅學生的心靈。Topic Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to .

3、 (Section A Period 1)Knowledge objects Key vocabulary : The students can master the words:prefer ,lyric 2. Target language :The students can use the sentences in this period to talk about their likes. Eg:I like music

4、that I can dance to./sing along with .I prefer music that has great lyrics.I like that music that isn’t too loud .Ability objects Train students to express preferences. Train students’ listening skill. Be able to listen

5、to the languages about music.Teaching aimsEmotion objects Let’s enjoy music. It always brings us happiness. Important points They can learn: New words.Target language.Difficult points Express preferences. The listening

6、practice.Task activities Task 1: Make up conversations.Task 2 : Group work。( Sing or dance accoring to the different kinds of music.)Teaching steps Step 1: Leading-inTalk about the weather and the music . T:Good weather

7、, good mood. Listening to music can bring us good mood .Do you think so ? Ss: Yes.T:OK. What kind of music do you like ? Please tell me. S1:I like Pop music. S2: I like Rap music.S3: I like folk music. ….T: Right.Now, le

8、t’s go into today’s study,we can learn more about music. Step 2: Presentation Look at the screen. It shows some pictures anout famous singers,and they belong to different kinds of music.The students are interested in t

9、he singers.They talk about them as much as possible.When they talk,the teacher explain some words and sentences. 1a .Read the instructions to the class. Learn the new words and target language. Finish 1a.Step 3: Practic

10、eFinish 1c . Make up conversations .(Task 1) Practice and help the students master the words and expressions.The students can make the conversations. They can describe the music they like. Encourage them to speak more. S

11、tep 4: Listening .Finish 1b.Step 5 : Task 2.Practice and group work.. Talk about some topics in our real life .The teacher give four kinds of music ,and the students in each group help each other. Some students talk abou

12、t music they like,some sthdents listen to the music that the teacher play and act it out or sing it aloud The students are very happy . They can sing ,they can dance, they can speak.Step 6 : Make a summary. Step 7: Homew

13、ork Remember the new words. Write down sentences about music as many as you can .Blackboard designUnit 6 I like music that I can dance to.The words and some sentences.After teaching(教學反思)本教案設計遵循《英語新課程標準》的要求,培養(yǎng)學習英語的興趣,激發(fā)

14、學生學習英語的潛質(zhì),使得學生在輕松愉悅的氛圍中,學會本節(jié)課需要掌握的四會單詞,短語及句子,進而用英語進行日常話題的表達及討論。課開始,由音樂導入,有學生喜愛的 周杰倫代表的通俗音樂和說唱音樂,學生興趣高漲,忍不住要表達更多的有關音樂方面的知識。教師要把握盡可能讓學生向著本課的重點內(nèi)容談論。在任務設計及其實施 的過程中,層層遞進,操練到位,最后小組活動中,有的學生用英語表達喜好,有的學生用英語歌曲唱出熱情,有的學生跟著音樂翩翩起舞。其中一


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