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1、新課標高中英語語法教學案例 新課標高中英語語法教學案例ing 形式作主語和賓語 形式作主語和賓語湖北省恩施市第一中學 湖北省恩施市第一中學 陳蓉 陳蓉新課標英語的語法教學必須是符合學生認知規(guī)律的循序漸進的語法教學。語法教學本身并不是目的,而是為了學生理解和運用語言服務的。因此語法教學應該徹底走出傳統(tǒng)的“滿堂灌”模式,回歸語境,讓學生自己去發(fā)現(xiàn),自己 去探索總結,進而自主的去運用。讓學生學得輕松學得主動,在掌握知識的同時培養(yǎng)主動探索習慣,

2、加強分析問題解決問題的能力,增進團結協(xié)作的合作意識。本教學案例就是在此宗旨下的一次語法教學探索?,F(xiàn)將教學過程和設計思 路展現(xiàn)如下:教學內(nèi)容 教學內(nèi)容: 高中英語必修 4 unit2 Discovering the useful structure (ing 形式作主語和賓語)教學目標 教學目標: 1. Know the -ing form as subject and object.2. Discovering some of the

3、rules of using –ing form as subject and object.3. Learn to identify and use v-ing forms in real situations.教學步驟 教學步驟Ⅰ. Lead inShow some signs to remind the students of the using of –ing forms in the daily life.Lead inHav

4、e you ever noticed these signs?-ing form!What do they have in common?smokinglitteringspittingparking-ing form is everywhere in the daily life.設計意圖: 設計意圖:從日常生活中的現(xiàn)象入手,用直觀的方式讓學生注意到這種語言知識在實際生活中的應用,同時激起學生學習語言知識的興趣。Ⅱ. SubjectS

5、tep 1 DiscoveringDiscovering1) Brushing the teeth everyday is necessary.2) Teaching English is her job.3) Skiing is his favorite sport.4) Playing tricks on the wolf is what the sheep are good at.5) It is no use crying af

6、ter losing the match.What’s the function of the –ing forms in the sentences?They are used as subject in the sentences.設計意圖: 設計意圖:讓學生在對圖片的描述的句子中發(fā)現(xiàn)共同之處,即-ing 形式用作主語。 4. What rules can you discover?Discovering1) Brushing

7、the teeth everyday is necessary.2) Teaching English is her job.3) Skiing is his favorite sport.4) Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.5) It is no use crying after losing the match.It can has

8、 its own objectWhen the –ing is used as the subject, the predicate should be a single form.It can has its own adverbialIt still has the features of a verb What rules can you discover?It can be replaced by the form s


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