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1、本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計、創(chuàng)作)題 目: 車輛牌照圖像識別算法的研究與實(shí)現(xiàn) 學(xué)生姓名: 學(xué)號: 0231002032 所在院系: 信息與通信技術(shù)系 專業(yè): 電子信息工程 入學(xué)時間: 2010 年 9 月導(dǎo)師姓名:

2、 職稱/學(xué)位: 講師/博士 導(dǎo)師所在單位: 完成時間: 2014 年 5 月安徽三聯(lián)學(xué)院教務(wù)處 制Research and implementation of image recognition algorithm for vehicle license plateAbstract:In mod

3、ern society,especially when entering the 21st century, rapid development of Chinese economy make cars become the most common vehicle. Traffic management network which is being perfect day by day has aroused more and mo

4、re people’s concern.This has become a social problem. Therefore , detecting and studying the license plate has positive consequence for all aspects. As an important part of the traffic management system, the li

5、cense recognizing system makes the place management of cars more convenient. This article tend to recognize the license plate with an emphasis an pretreatment of the digital pictures and the location and recognition

6、 of the cars. The pretreatment of digital pictures is accomplished by image barbarization and other methods. The location of license plate is completed by the method of the area of the convolution energy extreme val

7、ue based on gray image .And the template matching method is used when recognizing the license plate. The article adopt MATLAB to accomplish the arithmetic.Keywords: image recognition ;image processing;license plate loc


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