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1、班級(jí) 姓名 根據(jù)首字母填空(1)It’s Sunday morning. Gao Wei and his parents come to v his grandparents. His uncle’s family come to see his grandparents, too. The whole family are enjoying t_______. What are

2、 they d ? His grandpa is r newspapers and d tea happily. His grandma is w TV with her lovely granddaughter. His dad is c meals. His mum is w clothes. His aunt is c

3、 the windows. Look! Gao Wei is p computer games. That is his hobby!根據(jù)首字母填空(2) Hello, I’m Lily. I’m from America. This is my family’s t_____ plan. We are going to travel around China d______ the summer h_______. W

4、e’re going to s_____ in China for two weeks. In the f_____ week, we’re going to visit Beijing. I k____ the Great Wall is in Beijing. It is the l_____ wall in the world. The second week,we are going to visit Hangzhou. I h

5、_____ it is a beautiful l______.Can you tell me something more about Harbin, Xi’an and other p____?根據(jù)首字母填空(3) I’m Gao Wei. I’d like to tell you about our English l_______. We b______ to learn English three years ago. We

6、have learned a lot of w____ and sentences, and we can u_____them in and out of class.We are very i in topics like school life, daily life, family, sports, h and animals. Our English teacher often a______ u

7、s to practise listening, speaking,reading and writing. Now we can play games and d____ tasks i_ _ English. Our teacher often t____ us, “You are all good students!”根據(jù)首字母填空(4)Lily and her family are going to t______ around

8、 China during the summer holidays. They are going to stay in a hotel near Beihai P____ for three days. Today they are going to v______ the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs. They`re in the north of Beijing. They are going

9、 to the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace t________ morning. The Summer Palace is very beautiful. There are many interesting p_________ to visit. Lily and her parents like these famous places very much. They think

10、they can learn a lot of a_____ the history of China.班級(jí) 姓名 根據(jù)首字母填空(5)A good student should g up early, go to school on time ,listen to the teacher c ,ask and answer the teacher’s ques

11、tions actively in class, and help his or her classmates. A good student should h to do some housework at home, keep his or her room c ,and go to bed early. A good student should help the old people, t g

12、ood care of the younger c and keep off the grass. Do you want to be a good student ? OK! Go for it!根據(jù)首字母填空(6)Good morning, everyone! I`m LiYan. Let me tell you how we l_______ English. Three years ago we b_______

13、 to learn English. Our English teacher taught us in many ways, so we were very interested in English lessons. We often sang, danced ,chanted and p________ games. Our teacher usually let us do things by o .W

14、e did interesting tasks. Sometimes we acted in drama. We u______ words and sentences to tell stories. We often worked in p and in groups. In groups, we always h each other. We all did a good job.根據(jù)首字母填空(7)H

15、ello, everyone! Here’s the map o_____my community. There are many new buildings in my community. Look at that tall b ! I live in it. There’s a beautiful park n my community. There’s a river b_______ the park

16、. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park. On the main street is a restaurant. B_________ the restaurant is a post office. There is a hospital b________ a bank and a hotel. There’s a school in the centre of o

17、ur community. I like my community. It’s a b , clean and nice place.根據(jù)首字母填空(8)On the main street is a bank. Beside the bank is a hospital. A the road, there is a big supermarket b a hotel and a boo

18、kshop.My mum and I often buy fruit,v and other h food there. Look! what’s in the centre of the community?There is a school ! It’s my school.I can see everything on my w to school.I like my communit

19、y .It’s a busy,clean and nice place!班級(jí) 姓名 根據(jù)首字母填空(9)Kate doesn’t f______ well today. She can’t go to school. So she calls her teacher, Miss Liu. She tells Miss Liu that she has a bad c______ and her

20、 mother will take her to the d_______. Miss Liu tells Kate to take good care of herself and don’t w________ about the lessons. Kate sees many c________ in the hospital. Some of t______ have a fever and some have a headac

21、he. The doctor asks Kate to stay in bed and take s_______ medicine. Kate’s classmate come to see her after school. They bring h____ a lot of fruit, and they want to help Kate w______ her lessons. Kate feels very h_______

22、.根據(jù)首字母填空(10) Gao Wei:How many s are there in a year?Kate:oh,there are four seasons in a year.Gao Wei:what are they?Kate:They are .



25、 Gao Wei:Can y

26、ou tell me something about them?Kate:Sure!S is the first season of the year.It’s the green season. Summer is the s season of the year. It’s the hottest season. A is the third season of the year.

27、It’s the golden season. Winter is the fourth season of the year. It’s the w season.It’s cold and it often snows in winter. Gao Wei:Thank you!Kate:My pleasure!根據(jù)首字母填空(11)Hello ,friends! My name is Gao Wei. I’m

28、 in C One, G Six of New Century Primary School. My English study in primary school is coming to an end .Let me t you something about my English study in primary school. I began to l English thr

29、ee years ago. I learned a lot in our English lessons. Our English teacher t us many interesting topics. Our English teacher often asked us to practise our English in and o of class. Now I can u Englis


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