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1、 本 科 學(xué) 年 論 文(設(shè) 文(設(shè) 計(jì)) 計(jì))題目(中文): 淺析提升中小企業(yè)招聘工作有效性的對策 (英文): The recruitment in small and medium-sized enterprise effectiveness of shallow countermeasures 學(xué) 院 法政學(xué)院 年級專業(yè) 2013 級人力資源管理 學(xué)生姓名

2、 吳昊 學(xué) 號 130150729 指導(dǎo)教師 李旭旦 完 成 日 期 2015 2015 年 11 11 月 1 3AbstractRecruitment is not only the fresh blood of enterprises, the main channel to obtain the excellent talents,

3、 but also the premise and foundation of enterprise human resources management, keep the competitive advantage of the enterprise and realize the strategic goal is essential.Now, however, small and medium-sized enterprises

4、 still exist many problems in the recruitment, recruitment effect is not ideal, which makes many enterprises lower the effectiveness of the recruitment.In the current economic situation, can predict the future for a long

5、 period, the enterprise human resource management will face great challenge.“Labor contract law and implementing regulations, improve the enterprise's dismissal unqualified staff costs, a large number of human resour

6、ces into the market, identify true is suitable for the employees will be more difficult, enterprises need to staff recruitment management will become the focus of enterprise human resources work.Therefore, to explore the

7、 effective recruitment management methods, improve recruitment work performance, for small and medium-sized enterprises has very important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, on the theory of human reso


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