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1、1 / 3人教版新目標新版八年級下冊英語 人教版新目標新版八年級下冊英語 Unit1Unit1 What’s the matter?單詞:強化訓(xùn)練一、根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成句子1.In fact, we should also care not to _______ (咳嗽)or sneeze loudly in public.1. He has a f________ and a temperature of 38.5 degree

2、s centigrade.2. Do you have a _________ ( 頭痛)、3. She wears a gold chain around her n_______ .4. There’s something wrong with my __________ (胃)6 Tell me about your _______ ( 煩惱).7 My feet are __________ (疼痛的) after the wa

3、lk .二、用所給詞的適當形式填空8. A man has two _______ (foot ); a dog has four _______ (foot).9. He had to lie down for a while ________ (rest) his legs.10. This bus can carry 40 ________ ( passenger).11. I have a ___________ ( tooth

4、 ) because there is a cavity ((洞) in one of my ______ (tooth).12 Mary hurt _________ ( her ) when she fell over .Period 1 Section A 一、單項選擇1.—My mother is ill. — .A.I think so. B. That’s OK. C. Really

5、? Thank you D.I am sorry to hear that.2.You shouldn’t eat for breakfast.A. some B. any C. something D. anything3.If you have a toothache, you should see a .A. policeman B. teacher C. nurse

6、D. dentist4.I’m very tired .I should .A. work B. rest C. have lunch D .see a film5.Nancy is not feeling now.A. badly B. well C. nice D .right6.Don’t keep your mother _______ long .A wait B waiting

7、 C wait for D waiting for 7.Mrs. Jenny gave us _______ on how to learn English well.A some advices B many advices C. some advice D an advice8.Don’t worry . She can look after your pet ________.A

8、careful enough B. enough careful c. carefully enough D enough carefully3 / 3( )10. _______ a good idea. A. That sounds like B. That’s sounds like C. That’s like二、所給詞的適當形式填空:1. It’s important for us _________

9、(study) hard .2. We should exercise __________-(stay) healthy.3. It’s easy ________ (understand) the question ,.4. I’m very thirsty, I need __________ (drink) some water .5. He is ill .He should _________-(go) to bed ear

10、ly .6. We need time ______________ (improve) our English .7. ----- What’s the matter ? ------He is not __________(feel) well.8. I want him __________(come) here early人教版新目標新版八年級下冊英語 人教版新目標新版八年級下冊英語 Unit1Unit1 What’s th

11、e matter?單詞:強化訓(xùn)練一、根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成句子1. cough 2. fever 3. headache 4. neck 5. stomach 6. trouble 7. sore二、用所給詞的適當形式填空8 feet; feet 9 rest 10 passengers 11 toothache; teeth 12 herself Period 1 Section A 一、單項選擇1-5 DDDBB

12、 6-9 BCCB二、補全對話1. matter 2. feel 3. say 4. take 5. cold 6. fever 7. should 8. times 9. hope betterPeriod 2 Section B一、選擇填空1-5 CCBCD 6-10 BCCBA二、所給詞的適當形式填空:1. to study 2. to stay 3. to understand 4. t


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