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1、2021-2022高考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷考前須知.考生要認(rèn)真填寫考場(chǎng)號(hào)和座位序號(hào)。1 .試題所有答案必須填涂或書寫在答題卡上,在試卷上作答無(wú)效。第一局部必須用2B鉛筆作答;第二局部必須用黑 色字跡的簽字筆作答。2 .考試結(jié)束后,考生須將試卷和答題卡放在桌面上,待監(jiān)考員收回。第一局部(共20小題,每題L 5分,總分值30分)Much to my, my vocabulary has expanded a great deal.A. deligh

2、ting B. delighted C. delightThese diagrams are especially helpful when we have a concrete problem at hand.A. be solved B. to solve C. solved D. being solved—People should stop using their cars and start using public tran

3、sport.一? The roads are too crowded as it is.A. All rightB. ExactlyC. Go ahead D. Fine1. Nature is understandable in the sense she will answer truly and reward with discoveries when we ask herquestions via observation.A.

4、thatB. whereC. how D. what2. I able to catch the first flight home, but my watch betrayed me.A. wereB. had beenC. would be D. would have been3. Only after he was brought to the police station did the boy he had stolen so

5、me purses from other passengers.A. participateB. acknowledgeC. realize D. summarize4. —BoB. could I use your computer this evening?一Sorry. I a report on it then.A. will be writingB. have been writingC. have written D. w

6、ill have written5. the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.A. In reply toB. In addition toC. In charge of D. In place of6. That student admitted in the math exam, that he would

7、never do that again in the future.A. to have cheated, promisingB. cheating, promisedC. to cheating, promised D. having cheated, promisingI do hope that some day you'll come to visit this city.Yours,Li Ping第四局部寫作(共兩節(jié))

8、第一節(jié)短文改錯(cuò)(總分值10分)28. (10分)假定英語(yǔ)課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你 修改你同桌寫的以下短文。短文中共有10處錯(cuò)誤, 每句中最多有兩處。錯(cuò)誤涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)(A),并在此符號(hào)下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\ )劃掉。修改:在錯(cuò)的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1、每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2、只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。

9、When I was in high school9each of my friend had a bicycle> I hoped I could also have it、One day I saw a second-hand bicycle,that was only one hundred yuan、I asked my father the money、And he said he could only give me

10、half of the money> I should find the other half myself> So I went to sell newspapers after the school> My father was pleasing when I showed him the money a month after> He gives me the other fifty、You can ima

11、gine how happily I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle N 第二節(jié)書面表達(dá)(總分值25分) 29. (25分)第二節(jié)書面表達(dá)國(guó)外某網(wǎng)站 國(guó)外某網(wǎng)站舉辦 舉辦新一 新一輪網(wǎng)上 網(wǎng)上討論 討論活動(dòng),正面向全球中 ,正面向全球中學(xué)生征集 學(xué)生征集話題 話題。假 。假設(shè)你是新 你是新華中學(xué)的學(xué)生李 中學(xué)的學(xué)生李華,經(jīng)常訪問該 訪問該網(wǎng)站。 網(wǎng)站。 現(xiàn)請(qǐng) 現(xiàn)請(qǐng)你用英文 你用英文


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