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1、圖書(shū)分類(lèi)號(hào):密 級(jí):畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)新型電動(dòng)自行車(chē)及動(dòng)力反饋制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)NEW ELECTRICK BICYCLE BRAKE SYSTEM AND POWER FEEDBACK學(xué) 生 姓 名學(xué) 院 名 稱(chēng)專(zhuān) 業(yè) 名 稱(chēng)指 導(dǎo) 教 師20**年5 月 27 日AbstractAutomobile industries have development of high speed in 20 century. However,

2、 Dynamical performances of electric vehicle are decided by drive systems and extension of driving range(energy supply) restricts development, prevalence and is limit to electricity capacity of storage battery. In order t

3、o improve dynamical performances and extension of driving range, we must analyze and research traits of drive motor and control tactic of energy recycle in electric vehicle. In this paper, the electric bike in the braki

4、ng energy in the process of feedback, the design of the permanent magnet brushless DC motor in the electric bicycle brake renewable energy in the process of feedback control system. In theory analysis of the use of perma

5、nent magnet brushless DC motor position rotor position sensor detection method, and for the process of doing a more detailed briefing.Firstly, the paper analyzes the composing of in-wheel motor in detail. Secondly, Its s

6、ubsystem of carried on analysis to the movement appearance of the dynamoelectric bicycle, to the movement resistance, inertial dint, braking force and need of led dint to carry on a calculation. According to need of lead

7、 dint, in this design also to do PMBLDCM and battery to carry on to choose a calculation. Thirdly, the paper presents research work on EB Energy feedback control strategy, which involves in-wheel motor PWM modulation, Th

8、e regenerative braking of EB close-loop control. The dual polar driving method for permanent magnet brushless DC in-wheel motor is emphasized. Keywords Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor (PMBLDCM) Energy feedback Mo

9、tor control regenerative braking permanent magnet brushless DC 目 錄摘要..............................................................................................................................................


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