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1、南京航空航天大學碩士學位論文終身教育理念下高等職業(yè)教育人才培養(yǎng)模式姓名:田君申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):高等教育學指導教師:張輝20080301終身教育理念下高等職業(yè)教育人才培養(yǎng)模式 ii ABSTRACT This thesis hackles and analyzes the essence of lifelong educational thought and to bring structural change about

2、 higher vocational education. Higher vocational education is the product of Chinese higher educational popularization, being halfway of higher education. It can display the higher vocational education s importance a

3、nd status. Lifelong education can meet all needs of learning and put together all educational opportunities organically to unify. Higher vocational education functionally not only strengthening pre-service education but

4、 also enriching post-service training is a comprehensive and open educational form. Oriented design is important vocational education thought to emphasize as possible as to use and urge learners’ abilities

5、 and unleash their potentials in order to put passive-fit education into positive participation into developing design. The Lifelong educational thought has a very important effect on the funct

6、ion of higher vocational education, the aim of talent cultivation and the model of talent cultivation. The aim of talent cultivation and standard in higher vocational education under lifelong educational thou

7、ght demands to improve students’ key abilities composed approach abilities, major abilities and social abilities. It obviously proposes that higher vocational education should take the approach of combining essential th

8、eoretical education with practical technical education, combining essential theories with essential skills and combining practical training program with teaching plans to make students positively develop and

9、 it also probes the model of talent cultivation in higher vocational education under lifelong education thought . Absorbing into the dual system, the essence of Germany vocational education and p

10、opularizing the model of talent cultivation “determine post, dual system” make collaboration between industry and school be an edge tool of cultivating talent with vocational abilities. The talent de

11、velopment aim of higher vocational education under lifelong educational thought emphasizes collaboration between industry and school and that has a special advantage to realize the demand of college talent development ai

12、m and standard and to bring up talents with creative spirits and practical abilities. With practical learning principle, the model of collaboration between industry and school can adequately utilize the education


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