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1、廣西師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文基于行動研究的中學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)教師校本培訓(xùn)探索姓名:區(qū)潛申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):學(xué)科教學(xué)·數(shù)學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:孫杰遠(yuǎn)200508015AbstractIn 21st century, one tends to become knowledgeable by keeping on learning. Under theinfluence of it, the following key elements in educ

2、ation deserves special encourage. (1) learningto know; (2) learning to do; (3) learning to live together; (4) learning to be. Therefore, teacherplays an important role in education. With further reform of elementary cour

3、se, on the one hand,teachers’professional development have drawn wide attention; on the other hand, teacherthemselves are eager to become an expert in their fields. Yet, teachers are regarded as the traineesin traditiona

4、l on- the – job training. So the difference between spectator and participant in thistraining may have different results, the former way produces little effect in promoting teachers’professional development.To solve the

5、existing problem of on- the- job training for high school mathematics teachers,after a series of research, I propose school- based teacher training, which emphasizes actionresearch on the basis of action research, school

6、- based teacher training mainly resolve thecontradictions between teacher and school and find out a good way to promote teachers’professional development.To solve the existing problem of on- the – job training for high s

7、chool mathematics teachers,after a series of research, I propose school- based teacher training, which emphasizes actionresearch.On the basis of action research, school- based teacher training mainly resolves somecontrad

8、ictions between teacher and school and finds a good way to promote teachers’professional development. At the same time, special emphasis should be placed on teachers’principal part and practical skill in teaching. Obviou

9、sly, teachers hope they shall have the benefitof expert’ s guidance. In this way, not only do they overcome difficulty in teaching but also raisetheir professional level.By widely reading some relevant articles and logic

10、ally analyzing case study, this researchshows some factors of school- based teacher training as follows:(1)feasibility;(2)essentialfeatures;(3)strategy and monographic study;(4)careful design and organization;(5)thought-

11、 provoking andconclusion;(6)all- round instruction. In the process of school- based teacher training, for one thing,action research is really effective to promote the development of school- based teacher training;for ano

12、ther thing, action can bring the unity of objective and effect in school- based teachertraining.Everyone can participate in action research. For this reason, it offers good opportunities formathematics teachers to promot

13、e their professional development and urge them to adopt a pointof view of lifelong study.This research is of great significance to the guidance of school- based teacher training forhigh school mathematics teacher.Key wor


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